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× Materiale Libri Antichi
× Data 1890

Trovati 139 documenti.

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Libri Antichi

Joanne, Paul

Italie : Italie du nord : Turin, Genes, Milan, Venise, les lacs et les vallees meridionales des Alpes / par Paul Joanne

Paris : Librairie Hachette et C., 1890

Collection des Guides-Joanne

Il Palazzo Angaran
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Libri Antichi

Anti, Flaminio

Il Palazzo Angaran : demolizione o conservazione / Flaminio Anti

Vicenza : Tip. S. Giuseppe di G. Rumor, 1890

Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork
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Libri Antichi

Pollen, John Hungerford

Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork / by John Hungerford Pollen

London : Chapman and Hall, 1890

South Kensington museum art handbooks ; 3

Un'amicizia di Antonio Canova
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Libri Antichi

Malamani, Vittorio

Un'amicizia di Antonio Canova : lettere di lui al conte Leopoldo Cicognara raccolte e pubblicate / a cura di Vittorio Malamani

Citta di Castello : S. Lapi tipografo editore, 1890

Cristoforo Colombo e il Banco di S. Giorgio
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Libri Antichi

Harrisse, Henry

Cristoforo Colombo e il Banco di S. Giorgio : saggio storico-critico sui rapporti del grande navigatori con quell'istituto sull'ufficio e sulle operazioni di banco nel medio evo ... / Henry Harrisse

Genova : A spese del municipio, 1890

L'exposition des Beaux-Arts (salon de 1890) ...
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Libri Antichi

Dayot, Armand Pierre Marie

L'exposition des Beaux-Arts (salon de 1890) ... / Armand Dayot

Paris : Boussod, Valadon & C., 1890

Album archeologique des musees de province
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Libri Antichi

Album archeologique des musees de province / publié sous les auspices du Ministère de l'instruction publique et sous la direction de Robert de Lasteyrie

Paris : Ernest Leroux, 1890

Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquite
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Libri Antichi

Perrot, Georges - Chipiez, Charles

Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquite : Egypte, Assyrie, Perse, Asie Mineure, Grece, Etrurie, Rome : Perse, Phrygie, Lydie et Carie, Lycie / par Georges Perrot et Charles Chipiez

Paris : Librairie Hachette et C., 1890

S. Martin von Lucca und die Anfange der toskanischen Skulptur im Mittelalter
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Libri Antichi

Schmarsow, August

S. Martin von Lucca und die Anfange der toskanischen Skulptur im Mittelalter / von August Schmarsow

Breslau : Schottlaender, 1890

Italienische Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte ; 1

Ancient Egypt by George Rawlinson, M. A. camden professor of ancient history in the university of Oxford, and corresponding member of the royal Academy of Turin; author of "The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world", etc. etc.
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Libri Antichi

Rawlinson, George

Ancient Egypt by George Rawlinson, M. A. camden professor of ancient history in the university of Oxford, and corresponding member of the royal Academy of Turin; author of "The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world", etc. etc. ; with the collaboration of Arthur Gilman, M. A. author of "The story of Rome", etc.

Fifth edition

London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1890

The story of the nations ; 7

Catalogo della collezione A. Ponsot di Bologna
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Libri Antichi

Impresa di vendite Giulio Sambon <Milano>

Catalogo della collezione A. Ponsot di Bologna : prima parte : quadri antichi, porcellane, maioliche, mobili, armi, oggetti diversi, libri, di cui la vendita al pubblico incanto avra luogo in Milano ...

Milano : Coi tipi di Luigi di Giacomo Pirola, 1890

Catalog der Sammlung von Handzeichnungen alter Meister aus dem besitze des Herrn William Mitchell in London ...
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Libri Antichi

Prestel <Casa d'aste>

Catalog der Sammlung von Handzeichnungen alter Meister aus dem besitze des Herrn William Mitchell in London ...

Frankfurt am Main : August Osterrieth, 1890

Verzeichniss der Gemälde, Gypse und Bronzen in der Grossherzoglichen Sammlung zu Oldenburg ...
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Libri Antichi

Alten, Friedrich : von

Verzeichniss der Gemälde, Gypse und Bronzen in der Grossherzoglichen Sammlung zu Oldenburg ...

Sechste durchgesehene und vervollständigte Auflage

Oldenburg : A. Schwartz, 1890

Catalogue of the works of art in the National Gallery of Ireland including sculpture, pictures of ancient and modern schools ...
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Libri Antichi

Catalogue of the works of art in the National Gallery of Ireland including sculpture, pictures of ancient and modern schools ...

Dublin : Alex. Thom & Co, 1890

Raffaello, la sua vita e le sue opere
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Libri Antichi

Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista <1820-1897> - Crowe, Joseph Archer

Raffaello, la sua vita e le sue opere / per G-B. Cavalcaselle e J.-A. Crowe ...

Firenze : Successori Le Monnier, 1890

Geschichte der Deutschen Malerei
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Libri Antichi

Janitschek, Hubert

Geschichte der Deutschen Malerei / von H. Janitschek

Berlin : G. Grote, 1890

Monumenti antichi
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Libri Antichi

Monumenti antichi / pubblicati per cura della Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Volume 1., parte 1.

Milano : Ulrico Hoepli, 1890

Monumenti antichi
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Libri Antichi

Monumenti antichi / pubblicati per cura della Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Volume 1., parte 2.

Milano : Ulrico Hoepli, 1890

L'Arc de Triomphe de Salonique
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Libri Antichi

Kinch, Karl Frederick

L'Arc de Triomphe de Salonique / publié sous les auspices de la Fondation Carlsberg par K.-F. Kinch

Paris : Librairie Nilsson, 1890

Histoire de la dentelle
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Libri Antichi

Palliser, Bury

Histoire de la dentelle / Bury Palliser

Paris : Librairie de Firmin Didot freres, fils et C., 1890